If you are interested in using our app as a research study intervention:
Please start here: https://hminnovations.org/science#guidebook
The Healthy Minds Program is a mobile app (iOS & Android) developed by Healthy Minds Innovations. In some cases, it can be used as a research study intervention.
It can:
- provide audio content (custom or HMI-produced)
- collect basic survey data (single- and multi-select only; no branching logic)
- collect basic app useage data
Healthy Minds Innovations is a nonprofit. Our mission is translating science into tools to cultivate and measure well-being, and our aim is to share this work as widely as possible - reaching the farthest corners of the globe - to realize the vision we share with the Center for Healthy Minds: A kinder, wiser, more compassionate world.
If you are interested in using our app as a research study intervention:
Please start here: https://hminnovations.org/science#guidebook